Portrét V.I. Lenina v Múzeu totality

Darca zo Serede daroval do Múzea totality portrét  Vladimíra I. Lenina, ktorý dlho skladoval doma.

Čitateľ (inak kritik komunistov a socializmu) je dlhoročným čitateľom SeredOnLine.sk a my mu srdečne ďakujeme nielen za hodnotné komentáre v diskusiách, ale aj za to, že tento kúsok skončil v našom múzeu.

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© 2023 Múzeum totality. Develpoed by Globsite.eu – Denis Majko


From preconstruction to virtual design and construction, we offer a wide range of services to meet your building needs.

Lump-Sum Contracting

The Construction Manager is not required to provide an estimate or contract cost breakdown and does not typically participate in pre-construction.

Design - Build

Certainty of outcome. It’s why our clients choose us for their most challenging Design/Build projects.

Pre-Construction Services

From engineering to preconstruction, we offer a variety of services and delivery methods.